About Me

My photo
I am a French as a Second Language teacher for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I like hiking, dancing, baking, traveling and photography. I like to incorporate fun and interactive activities in the way we learn French. I am happy to be sharing with you, what learning French is all about.

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Nos drapeaux franco-ontariens/ Our Franco-Ontarian Flags

En l'honneur du jour du drapeau franco-ontarien (le 25 septembre), nous avons créé nos propres drapeaux franco-ontariens. Nous avons parlé de la fleur de lys qui représente la langue français. Nous avons aussi parlé de la fleur de trille, la fleur officielle de l'Ontario. Voici quelques exemples de ce que nous avons fait:

In honnor of the day of the franco-ontarian flag (September 25th), we created our own versions of franco-ontarian flags. We talked about the flags' symbols and what they represent. We learned that the fleur de lys represents the French language. We also talked about the trillium, Ontario's official flower. Here are a few examples of what we have done:

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Le drapeau franco-ontarien

Aujourd`hui nous avons célébré le drapeau franco-ontarien. Nous avons parlé de ses couleurs et de son symbolisme. Nous avons aussi discuté comme groupe-classe sur l'importance de parler en français. Nous avons aussi écouté à deux chansons qui parlent du drapeau franco-ontarien et notre fièreté de parler en français. Les voici:

Today, we celebrated the franco-ontarian flag. We talked about its colors and symbolism. We also discussed as a class the importance of speaking French. Then, we listened to 2 songs that talk about the flag and our pride of being able to speak French as Ontarians. Here they are:

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Pages-titre en science/ Cover Pages for Science

Today in Science, we made our cover pages for our science duo-tangs for the unit. In grade 4, we talked about what les habitats (habitats) are and some examples. In grade 5 we disscussed l'économie de l'énergie (saving energy) meant and examples of types of energy. Here is what they came up with:

Aujourd'hui en science, nous avons fait nos pages-titre pour nos duo-tangs. En 4e année, nous avons parlé des habitats. Nous discuté de ce que c'est et avons trouvé des exemples. En 5e année, nous discuté de l'économie de l'énergie. Nous avons parlé de ce que ça voulait dire et avons trouvé des exemples. Voici ce que nous avons trouvé:

Also, here are some of our cover pages:

Aussi, voici des exemples de pages-titre:

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Program Night 2013

Welcome back everyone!  Bienvenue!  I am very pleased to have your child in my class this year.  The following will help get us off to a great start.

Your child will be coming to my classroom for French Immersion (50% of their day).  French as a Second Language (FSL) includes Science, Social Studies, French Language, and all of the Arts strands, two blocks each day.


This is a tool to record upcoming tests, events, homework and assignments.  The agendas are an effective communication tool between parent and teacher.  Should you have any questions or information to relay to me, I will answer you as early as I can.  For the times that the agenda may not be the appropriate place to convey information or concerns, please feel free to contact me personally.


Other than studying for tests, your child’s homework should be to complete any work not finished in class. At times, they will also be sent home with worksheets or activities that compliment what we are doing in class. As of next week, if your child does not have any homework, they are asked to read their French book. In Extended French, they should be reading at least 10-15 minutes a night. In French Immersion, they should be reading at least 15-20 minutes a night. 

Blogs and the use of Technology in the Classroom

My goal is to use as much technology as I can in the classroom, thus further enhancing your child’s educational experience.  The blog address for our class is: fantasticfourfivesinfrench.blogspot.ca  On the blog you will find: homework, study guides (when necessary), useful links to help your child practice their French and support them in doing their homework, as well as Brain Breaks. I will be posting more frequently shortly as we are reaching the end of our introductory assignments in class. I would like to use the following: Kidblog, Youtube, Storybird, iPads, Powtoon, Prezi, Smart Notebook, ....

Classroom Management
In regards to classroom management, I am using a variety of systems based on the needs of each class. In all classes, the students are rewarded based on meeting the following: preparedness, effective listening, active participation in class lessons and discussions as well as working silently when required.
Rewards: as encouragement for their positive behaviour and having met those goals, I either reward the students with a choice in the “treasure box” (pencils, erasers, no homework passes) or a class reward such as extended recess, extra time on the computer or a special block of their choice (pj and suffy day, movie block, treats...). 

Tests and Evaluations

Tests, quizzes or presentations are given at the end of each unit. The students are given 10-14 days to prepare. A rubric and instructions are sent home for presentations. Study guides for tests or quizzes will be posted on the blog. 


On top of teaching French language arts, I will also be teaching Science, Social Studies and The Arts in French.  My goal is ensure a solid improvement in your child's French oral communication skills.  In order to attain this goal, I have daily oral exercises in which I encourage everyone to participate actively.  I will also be working on enhancing the skills that they already have in reading and writing in French.  I like to teach French in an interactive and participial manner, optimizing student participation and learning.


In Grade 4, we will be taking a look at: les habitats et les communautés, la lumière et le son, and les roches et les minéraux.

In Grade 5, we will be taking a look at: les systèmes du corps humain, es propriétés et les changements de la matière, l'effet des forces and l'économie de l'énergie et des ressources.

Please understand that we may not have enough time to take a look at them all.  

Social Studies

We have just received the new Curriculum for Social Studies.  Due to the changes in the Curriculum, we will be implementing it gradually over the next few years. We are working as a Junior French division to ensure that the units are consistent for each grade level. 

The Arts

The four arts strands are: music, drama, visual arts and dance.  I believe that it is best to integrate the arts into the other subject as much as possible.  When it is not possible for me to do so, the students will have specific art units.  Two of the strands will be graded in the first terms, and the remainder will be graded in the second term.

In an effort to support the curriculum and educational experience, should you have any expertise in any of these subjects, please contact me by sending a note in your child's agenda.  I will be happy to set up a workshop for you in our class.  I know that there is an abundance of talent in this community that could be used to enrich your child's educational and learning experience.

With your cooperation and support, I am confident that we can ensure that your child flourishes during this school year.

Your Partner in Catholic Education,

Mme Campbell

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Bienvenue!/ Welcome!

Hello, my name is Mme Campbell and I will be teaching your child this year. Let me tell you a little about myself: I did my Undergraduate degree at Carleton University in English Literature and minored in French. Also, I did both my Bachelor and Master's of Education at the University of Ottawa. This is my second year teaching, and my second year at St. Stephen. I am happy to be here, and look forward to this coming school year. Here is a video that I showed in class today, to introduce myself:


Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me with a note in your child's agenda, or by calling me at the school.

 Mme Campbell