About Me

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I am a French as a Second Language teacher for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I like hiking, dancing, baking, traveling and photography. I like to incorporate fun and interactive activities in the way we learn French. I am happy to be sharing with you, what learning French is all about.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sprit Week & Le journal

La semaine prochaine (du 3 au 6 mars 2014) sera Sprit Week. À chaque jour, il faut s'habiller d'une façon différente.
Lundi Jersey and/or crazy hair day
Mardi Twin day
Mercredi St. Stephen wear or green and white day
Jeudi Pyjama Day
Vendredi  PD day (Bon congé de mars!)

Pendant les quelques dernières semaines, nous avons parlé de la phrase complexe et de l'écriture narrative. Suite à la lecture du livre Un animal idéal, nous avons écrit une entrée de journal sur notre animal idéal. Voici des exemples:

Next week, from March 3rd to March 6th 2014, will be Spirit Week. Each day, we can dress a certain way.
Monday Jersey and/or crazy hair day
Tuesday Twin day
Wednesday St. Stephen wear or green and white day
Thursday  Pyjama Day
Friday PD day (Happy March Break!)

During the last few weeks, we have talked about complex sentences and narrative writing. Following the reading of the book Un animal idéal, we wrote a journal entry on what our ideal animal would look like. Here are some examples:

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