About Me

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I am a French as a Second Language teacher for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I like hiking, dancing, baking, traveling and photography. I like to incorporate fun and interactive activities in the way we learn French. I am happy to be sharing with you, what learning French is all about.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Le jour du souvenir/ Remembrance Day

Aujourd'hui en 4e/5e, nous avons célébré le jour du souvenir. Colonel Basinger, le père de Kathryn, est venu dans notre classe pour nous parler de l'importance du jour du souvenir. Aussi, nous avons regardé et touché à des vêtements d'enfants de l'Afghanistan. Nous avons regardé à des photos de gens des forces armée travailler avec des gens d'autres pays pour garder la paix. Merci beaucoup Colonel Basinger d'être venu nous parler! Voici des photos:

Today in grade 4/5, we celebrated Remembrance Day. Colonel Basinger, Kathryn's father, came to our class to talk to us about the importance and the reasons why we celebrate Remembrance Day. Also, we looked and touched children's clothing from Afghanistan, and looked at peace keepers from the Armed Forces working in other countries. Thank you so much Colonel Basinger for coming to speak to us. Here are some photos:

I would also like to take this time to congratulate our class for the excellent reading and singing they did during today's Remembrance Day ceremony. I am so proud of you. Our hard work truly paid off.

Mme Campbell

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