About Me

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I am a French as a Second Language teacher for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I like hiking, dancing, baking, traveling and photography. I like to incorporate fun and interactive activities in the way we learn French. I am happy to be sharing with you, what learning French is all about.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Notre chanson pour le concert de Noel/ Our Song for the Christmas Concert

Le concert de Noël du jeudi, 12 décembre de St. Stephen arrive à grands pas! Hier, nous avons commencé  à apprendre notre chanson Il est né le divin enfant. Pour vous aider à pratiquer, voici la chanson. Aussi, si vous avez des lumières de Noël extérieures que vous pouvez donner à l'école, s'il vous plaît les apporter. Ce serait grandement apprécié. Merci! Soyez sécuritaires, et profitez de votre journée. 

St. Stephen's Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 12th is arriving soon! Yesterday, we started learning our class' song Il est né le divin enfant. In order to help you practice and memorize, here is the song. The lyrics are in the video. Also, if you have any spare or old exterior Christmas lights that you would like to donate to the school for the concert, please drop them off at school. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Be safe and enjoy your day. 

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