About Me

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I am a French as a Second Language teacher for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. I like hiking, dancing, baking, traveling and photography. I like to incorporate fun and interactive activities in the way we learn French. I am happy to be sharing with you, what learning French is all about.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Si je pouvais changer le monde, je voudrais.../ If I Could Change the World, I Would...

La semaine passée, nous avons lu un livre qui parlait de façons différentes que les enfants aimeraient changer le monde. Après avoir discuté comme groupe-classe, voici ce que nous avons fait:

Last week, we read a book that showed how 100 children would like to change the world and make it a better place. After having discussed how we could do so, this is what we came up with:

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